Rivista scientifica di studi pedagogici


Didaskaloi is a pedagogical research laboratory driven by the desire to intercept knowledge to synthesize and share it; educational practices, inclusive teaching approaches and talent enhancement must be integrated to promote well-being.

Pedagogy – paideia – is the rational explication of the desire to share every form of study, the awareness of interacting with the generations, the thought that becomes public transforming itself into a political act, conveying reflection and action.

In this perspective, the transfer of research is oriented to foster a communication of studies among specialists, available for critical sharing as a strategy of cultural, economic and social development.

Although faithful to the path traced by the essential historiographical tradition, Didaskaloi’s attention is oriented towards welcoming re-propositions of pedagogical thought, aware of the hermeneutic lesson; centrality is reserved for the study of human nature, the alpha and omega of pedagogical research; awareness of the social complexity in which human growth must produce its own mimetic process is essential to promote education, also on corporeity, in harmony with technological evolution and globalization; a non-negligible space is reserved for methodological comparison, the most evident expression on which pedagogical theories are concretised.

Didaskaloi is the public place where ideas can be disseminated, experiences exchanged, knowledge offered to reaffirm or subvert them through experimentation, and forms of educational design that consider play-motor dynamics, always reiterating the epistemological status and professional value of pedagogy.

The Didaskaloi project revolves around a series of essays and a six-monthly journal hosting contributions assessed by the Commission in a double-blind mode; editorial responsibility is entrusted to Stilo Editrice, in Bari since 1999.

Direzione Editoriale
ANTONIO ASCIONE – Università degli Aldo Moro di Bari, Italia

Comitato Scientifico
ARKADIUSZ JABŁOŃSKI – KUL Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Poland
DAVIDE DI PALMA – Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italia
DOMENICO TAFURI – Università degli studi di Napoli Parthenope, Italia
GABRIELLA DE MITA – Università degli Aldo Moro di Bari, Italia
MARIAN SURDACKI – KUL Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Poland
NICOLA TENERELLI – Università degli Aldo Moro di Bari, Italia
PABLO ÀLVAREZ-DOMINGUEZ – Universidad de Sevilla, España.
PIOTR MAGIER – KUL Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Poland
VITTORIA BOSNA – Università degli Aldo Moro di Bari, Italia
WIESTAW PARTYKA – KUL Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Poland
ALESSIO FABIANO – Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Italia
CLAUDIO DE LUCA – Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Italia
SPADAFORA GIUSEPPE – Università della Calabria, Italia
ROSA GALLELLI – Università degli Studi Aldo Moro, Bari, Italia

Direttore Responsabile
NICOLA TENERELLI – Università degli Aldo Moro di Bari, Italia